I'm not clear on when the process started, but I do know what the turning point was. Maybe it began when I, straight my whole life, discovered that it was easy for a guy to give me a blowjob in a cruising spot. When I realized that having sex with a guy felt just as good, if not better, than with a woman, and that it was much easier to achieve. Maybe it was when I thought, "Wow, I'm going to try eating a dick. I already know the theory," and I liked the feeling. It could have been the first tim... (Gay stories.)
During that time, I wanted to try and try was to try everything. I have always leaned more towards the ground, towards submission, to being on my knees looking at the ground waiting for an order or a punishment. My beginning was many years ago trying through chats and looking for someone to dominate me until I found a master who liked dog training. That caught my attention and I started to feel comfortable. I felt increasingly submissive, but I controlled the sessions. I decided when it star... (Gay stories.)
In the first part, Damián and Nico, two 18-year-old boys, were forced to work together on a biology project, which revealed an unexpected connection between them. However, the apparent truce was brief. During the first few days after their encounter, Damián did not behave like the usual bully at school. However, his friends, noticing the change, began to tease him. "What's up, Damián? Are you Nico's boyfriend now?" they asked, laughing. Damián, annoyed and embarrassed, vehemently denied it.... (Gay stories.)
The other day I met a guy from Grindr and while we were talking he told me he really liked pee, and if I would let him pee on me, I responded that he had total freedom to do whatever he wanted with his pee and to set up the session of his dreams, and that's how it was. I arrived at his house and he was in his underwear, he made me take off my clothes and get on all fours. I went to the living room and he had put some kind of plastic tablecloth on the floor and had a low table on top of it, he ... (Gay stories.)
Public toilets - Relatos eróticos gay
Xtudr és el xat per a gais fetitxistes definitiu. Troba fàcilment milers de nois de la teva ciutat que comparteixen els teus mateixos gustos i gaudeix enviant i rebent missatges en directe.
La xarxa nº1 de trobades entre nois us ofereix una experiència ràpida, fàcil, i divertida amb la qual podreu conèixer molta gent nova.
Amb Xtudr podràs:
- Llegir els millors relats gai.
- Crear un perfil amb les teves fotos i afegir les teves preferències.
- Veure els perfils i fotografies d'altres usuaris.
- Enviar i rebre missatges sense límits.
- Utilitzar els filtres de cerca per trobar la teva mitja taronja.
- Enviar i rebre Taps als que més t'agraden.
Registra't a l'app fetitxista i BDSM més popular i comença la teva aventura.